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   宫辉力,男, 1956 年 9 月出生,中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师,俄罗斯工程院院士、莫斯科心理师范大学名誉博士;UNESCO Chair in Hydroinformatics for Ecohydrology、Global Coordinator for UNESCO IHP-V II of the Modeling Group;国际欧亚科学院院士、俄罗斯工程院外籍院士、俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士,莫斯科心理师范大学名誉博士;首批北京学者。






  Dr.Huili Gong, is a Professor at College of Resource, Environment and Tourism of Capital Normal University, Beijing. He is the Chair in Hydroinformatics for Ecohydrology with UNESCO and the Global Coordinator for UNESCO IHP-VII of the Modeling Group. He is a member of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, a member of Russian Foreign Academy of Engineering and a member of Russian Foreign Academy of Natural Sciences. He is an honorary Doctorate of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. He is one of the earliest recipients of Beijing Scholar which is a prestigious title granted to outstanding researchers.

  He is the member of the 6th and 7th National Disciplines Review Panel on Geography of the degree committee of the state council, National Expert Panel on Disaster Mitigation. He is one of the vice presidents of MOE Education Supervising Committee of Geomatics, the Geographical Society of China and the China Association for Geographic Information. He is the associate editor in chief of Journal of Geo-Information Science.

  He received his BSc (1986), MSc (1993) and PhD (1996) degrees from Changchun Institute of Geology (which is now part of Jilin University). He had been a Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems of Peking University from 1996 to 1998.

  He is currently working on academic research and teaching in geographic information science and remote sensing. He has published over 100 academic papers.He has received more than six national awards and a UNESCO-IHP extraordinary award for his teaching excellence, outstanding academic achievements and contributions.