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  Email: yke@cnu.edu.cn



  博士Ph.D, SUNY ESF, Syracuse, New York State, USA,2009





  2013至今 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院

  2010-2012 美国西北太平洋国家实验室(PNNL), 研究科学家



  1. 城市灾害遥感

  2. 城市生态遥感

  3. 人工智能、遥感技术与GIS集成方法与应用




  2. 2015-2017,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持

  3. 2009-2012,Development Of Prototype Integrated Earth System And Environmental System Models, PNNL, key member

  4.2009-2012,Integrated Regional Earth System Model (iRESM) Prototype Regional Testbed Specification and Selection, PNNL, Key member

  5.2011-2012,Climate Science For Sustainable Energy Future,, PNNL, Key member

  6.2009-2013,Quantitative Method to index habitat connectivity in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, United Army Coorps of Engineer, USA, Key member

  7.2009-2011,Evaluating Cumulative Ecosystem Response to Habitat Restoration in the Columbia River Estuary,, United Army Coorps of Engineer, USA, Key member

  8.2009-2010,Stand Volume Estimates from High Spatial Resolution Imagery, ASPRS, PI



  1. 2014年入选北京市科技新星

  2. 2014年入选北京市海外高层次人才聚集工程(海聚工程)

  3. 2012年美国西北太平洋国家实验室项目杰出贡献奖

  4. 2011年: 美国摄影测量与遥感协会(ASPRS) ERDAS 最佳学术论文(ASPRS ERDAS Award for Best Scientific Paper in Remote Sensing )

  5.2010年至今:“Remote Sensing of Environment”, “Advances in Atmospheric Sciences”,“Geocarto International” 期刊审稿人

  6.2009年: ASPRS GeoEye Award




  1.Ke, Y., R. L. Leung, M. Huang, A. Coleman and H. Li, 2013. Enhancing representation of sub-grid land surface characteristics in the Land Surface Model, Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 1609-1622.(SCI)

  2.Ke, Y., Coleman, A.M., Diefenderfer, H.L, 2013. Temporal land cover analysis for net ecosystem improvement,Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology,13, 84-96.

  3.Ke, Y., R. L. Leung, M. Huang, A. Coleman, H. Li and M.S. Wigmosta, 2012. Development of high-resolution land surface data for Community Land Model 4.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 5(6): 1341-1362. (SCI) PDF

  4.Ke, Y., and L.J. Quackenbush, 2011. A comparison of three methods for automatic tree crown detection and delineation from high spatial resolution imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32: 3625-3647. (SCI) PDF

  5.Ke, Y., and L.J. Quackenbush, 2011. A review of methods for automatic individual tree crown detection and delineation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32: 4725-4747. (SCI) PDF

  6.Ke, Y., L.J. Quackenbush, and J. Im, 2010. Synergistic use of QuickBird multispectral imagery and LIDAR data for object-based forest species classification. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(6): 1141–1154. (SCI) PDF

  7.Ke, Y., W. Zhang, and L.J. Quackenbush, 2010. Active contour and hill-climbing for tree crown detection and delineation. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 76(10): 1169–1181. (SCI) PDF

  8.Zhang, W., Y. Ke, L.J. Quackenbush and L. Zhang, 2010. Using error-in-variable regression to predict tree diameter and crown width from remotely sensed imagery. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2010, 40:1095-1108. (SCI)

  9.Li, H., M. Huang, M. Wigmosta, Y. Ke, A. Coleman, R. L. Leung, 2011. Evaluating runoff simulations from the Community Land Model 4.0 using observations from flux towers and a mountainous watershed, Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmosphere). doi:10.1029/2011JD016276. (SCI)

  10.Li, H., M. Huang, M. Wigmosta, Y. Ke, A. Coleman, R. L. Leung, 2012. A physically based runoff routing model for land surface and earth system models, Journal of Hydrometeorology, in press. (SCI)



  1. Li, D., Y. Ke, H. Gong, 2014.Tree species classification based on WorldView-2 imagery in complex urban environment, IEEE Proceedings of EORSA 2014.(EI)

  2. Wu, Y., Y. Ke, H. Gong, 2014. Comparison of object-based and pixel-based methods for urban land-use classification from WorldView-2 imagery, IEEE Proceedings of EORSA 2014. (EI)

  3. Ke, Y. and L.J. Quackenbush, 2009. Individual tree crown detection and delineation from high spatial resolution imagery using Active Contour and Hill-climbing algorithms, Proceedings of 2009 ASPRS Annual Conference (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland), March 8 - 13, Baltimore, Maryland. (EI)

  4. Quackenbush, L. J. and Y. Ke, 2009. Exploring the spectral characteristics of Sirex woodwasp infestation in Scotch pines, Proceedings of 2009 ASPRS Annual Conference (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland), March 8 - 13, Baltimore, Maryland. (EI)

  5. Ke, Y., L. J. Quackenbush, 2008. Comparison of individual tree Crown detection and delineation methods, Proceedings of 2008 ASPRS Annual Conference (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland), April 28-May 2, 2008, Portland, Oregon. (EI)

  6. Ke, Y., L. J. Quackenbush, 2007. Forest species classification and tree crown delineation using QuickBird imagery, Proceedings of 2007 ASPRS Annual Conference (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland), May 7-11, 2007, Tampa, Florida. (EI)

  7. Quackenbush, L. J., Y. Ke, and C. N. Kroll, 2006. Investigating new advances in forest species classification. Proceedings of 2006 ASPRS Annual Conference (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland), May 1-5, 2006, Reno, Nevada. (EI)